To prevent example sentences

A major role of the government, therefore, is to control the activities of private companies by making, enforcing and upholding laws so as to prevent unfair practices and ensure social justice. To prevent another rebellion, the British exiled Bahadur Shah to Burma (now Myanmar), dismantled his court, razed several of the palaces, closed down gardens and built barracks for troops in their place.You may have already realised that the need of the hour is to conserve and manage our water resources, to safeguard ourselves from health hazards, to ensure food security, continuation of our livelihoods and productive activities and also to prevent degradation of our natural ecosystems.During the election period, the EC can order the government to follow some guidelines, to prevent use and misuse of governmental power to enhance its chances to win elections, or to transfer some government officials.Following one of the 29 rules given by their guru, the Bishnois would do anything to prevent the destruction of trees by human beings, including hugging the trees if they are threatened in any way; the destroyer cannot cut the trees without cutting these human bodies.The accounts of jagirdars were checked to prevent cheating and the revenues of all districts were reassessed by officials appointed by the Nawab's court.The Government of India announced an action plan in early 1995 to prevent the disfigureuring of this historical monument.Emotional reactions, such as grief and fear, irritability, anger (“Why should this happen to me?”), helplessness, hopelessness (“I could do nothing to prevent this event”), depression, sometimes absolute lack of emotion (numbness), guilt feelings for having survived while someone else in the family died, blaming oneself, and lack of interest in even routine activities.Russia's armies lost badly in Germany and Austria between 1914 and 191 There were over 7 million casualties by 191 As they retreated, the Russian army destroyed crops and buildings to prevent the enemy from being able to live off the land.Stricter safety regulations and implementation of environmental laws are essential to prevent mining from becoming a killer industry .They help to prevent fruit and leaf drop at early stages but promote the abscission of older mature leaves and fruits.We have no relatives and there is no one to help us, so I have to go to work in a factory, to prevent the family from starving.Special arrangement must be made for storage of goods to prevent loss or damage.Have you ever noticed someone washing their hands everytime they touch something, or washing even things like coins, or stepping only within the patterns on the floor or road while walking? People affected by obsessive-compulsive disorder are unable to control their preoccupation with specific ideas or are unable to prevent themselves from repeatedly carrying out a particular act or series of acts that affect their ability to carry out normal activities.The courts intervene to prevent the misuse of the government's power to make decisions.

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